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Events & Registration

Tune In! Upcoming Guest 

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Join me and listen in
January 28th. Podcast available on all apps.

Now Available

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Welcome, I am excited that we have a shared desire to help heal the planet and raise our own personal vibration.  There are lots of new things instore.  Many people have requested a resource guide for working with frequency and energy in our daily lives. People ask questions like:


What is Vibrational Medicine?

How can I use it for myself?

What tools and resources do I use?

How do I use this in my everyday life?


This book will help answer these questions and more. This book is a combinations of my practices and some fundamentals about energy medicine.  It will have daily reminders to bring you back into the present moment, how to manage your emotions and so much more! I am so happy to say it is now available at and other selected stores and markets.


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To apply to host, register or for more information please fill out the form below. Cost is $25.00 per person to attend.  Host is free. A host can be a business or home (5 people min.)

Thank you for taking the time to submit

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