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The Foundation

Incorporating these principles transformed my life. A New Way Back is about embracing the present, harnessing the power of vibrational medicine, and reconnecting with your inner self. These are the core teachings of my book.

The present moment is all there is. Peace comes from living in the present moment.


                           -Eckhart Tolle


Meditating on the Beach
Buddha Statue

You are not your thoughts. There is a you separate from your mind. 

You can learn to manage your emotions so that you don't have to create addictions to escape them.

Group therapy
Dog Friends

Everything on the planet is made up of energy and therefore carries a frequency and a vibration; including your thoughts and emotions.

What we eat and drink is related to our emotional state of mind. Plants, fruits and vegetables can be used as medicine for the body.

Healthy Food
Thinking Man on Couch

Challenges come to us as a way to reduce our suffering and move us closer to our true path.

Interested In Learning More?

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